Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Number 100

So...guess what, guys? Today, July 31, marks my 100th blog post! *shoots confetti*

Okay, so I don't know about you, but this makes me happy. For the past five months I've been able to commit myself to this thing, and that's a pretty big step. I've talked about reading, writing, music, book reviews, and held numerous cover reveals, book blitzes, and blog tour spotlights.

And guess what? I really couldn't do it without readers and people who, for some reason, think I have smart things to say.  So thank you, readers, because I ultimately couldn't do this without ya'll. To prove it, I have a question: what do you think?

While The Wallflower is my baby, ultimately I love to write about things that appeal to you. What's important? What topic would make you stop what you're doing and read my words? This is a community effort; if you don't read my words, do I even have a reason to write them?

Sorry for the philosophy, there, but you get the point. In order to make it easier on you, I've created this nifty little survey: just click here, answer a few questions, and I'll love you forever.

Another thing: I've been buying books all summer, and the joy I feel at returning home from work to find a new book at my door (or on my table if my roommate's home and was able to accept it) is a joy like no other. So, to spread the cheer, I'm holding a 100th Post Giveaway in which you can win one of my favorite books (I'll provide a list, you get to choose) or a $10 Barnes & Noble Gift Card!

-(1) Physical Copy of one of Rae's Favorite Books
 (as in, if you win, you choose ONE):

-(1) $10 Giftcard to Barnes & Noble

**Giveaway Open to US Only**
a Rafflecopter giveaway 

Tweet It:

A thanks, a survey, and a giveaway. Enter to win books or a B&N giftcard from @Rae_Slater (Click to Tweet)


  1. Hi Race!
    This is super awesome of you! ^_^ Also, since we're on this note, I'm really happy that you've been posting so much and find more inspiration than I usually do.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.



  4. oh. there it finally goes.

    HI. so.
    basically I forgot what all I was telling you in the other comments but YAAAAAASSSSSSSSS ON BLOGGING! CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING PRODUCTIVE ON A SUPAR HARD THING TO KEEP UP WITH!

    1. Deena you made me smile after a half-bad day XD Thanks, dear!!
