Thursday, December 11, 2014

Writing, Reading, Blog Updates: Winter Break 2014

As of today, I have exactly four weeks of no college. Come, celebrate with me.


In that four weeks, I've given myself a lot to do. I'm currently almost 10 k into the revision of my WIP, and I plan on making a lot of headway. Anyone care to wager how far I can get before school starts again in January?

I'm also going to be reading: I've got a whole stack of books (both physical books and books on my Nook) hat I plan to get read/reviewed. And if I can get a few reviews lined up in case I get behind in reading during the Spring semester, that would be awesome, too. I'm also open to new titles: got a book to recommend to me? Let me know!

Now, a combination of reading and writing: next semester, I'm going to be working on my senior honors thesis. It's going to be a series of short stories that follow classic fairy tales, only with a slightly different setting than the classics gave them. So not only am I going to start planning all of those out (and I'm so stoked to be sharing that experience with ya'll), but I'm going to be researching, as well. It just so happens that my researching is going to center around reading and studying the fairy tales I plan to retell, as well as reading re-tellings. That's right, I'll be reading Marissa Meyers' THE LUNAR CHRONICLES for a second time, and taking a look at other re-tellings like Gregory Maguire's CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER and MIRROR, MIRROR.

As for the blog: I'm giving myself a project that's going to take a long time, which means I'll be finding one entire day to get it done. The project: I'm going to attempt adding a directory to this thing. That way ya'll can find past posts easily based on its subject: plot, characters, setting, etc. So. Yay?

Another blog project: I might (maybe) change the design soon. If ya'll have any opinions, or know any designers or good tutorials, please let me know. But the change is also kind of a big "if," since the current design has somewhat grown on me. Then again, I love changing things every now and again.

Well, that's the update. Now I need to learn how to be a normal human being again.

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Curious about what @Rae_Slater will be up to during her winter break? Check out her reading, writing, & blogging plans. (Click to Tweet

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